setacl (set object's ACL)

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setacl [BUCKET_NAME]/[FOLDER]/OBJECT [-s] [-r] [-cacl:CANNED_ACL] [-grant-read:"GRANTEE"] [-grant-write:"GRANTEE"] [-grant-full-control:"GRANTEE"] [-grant-read-acp:"GRANTEE"] [-grant-write-acp:"GRANTEE"] [-sim] [-cond:"FILTER"] [-include:INCL] [-exclude:EXCL] [-rinclude:INCL] [-rexclude:EXCL] [-inclenc] [-exclenc] [-inclrr] [-exclrr] [-inclia] [-exclia] [-inclgl] [-exclgl] [-inclle] [-exclle]

Set the S3 ACL for one or multiple objects.






Name / path of the object(s) to set the ACL for. Wildcard characters are supported by default (* and ?) to match multiple objects. A regular expression can be used too, in that case use the flag -r on the command line, see below.

setacl mybucket/file -cacl:private (set canned ACL 'private' to mybucket/file)


setacl mybucket/* -cacl:public-read (set canned ACL 'public-read' to all files in mybucket)


setacl mybucket/*.txt -s -cacl:public-read-write (set canned ACL 'public-read-write' to all txt files in mybucket, including in subfolders of mybucket)


Recursive, e.g. include all subfolders when processing multiple  objects with wildcard characters or regular expression.

setacl mybucket/*.txt -s -cacl:public-read-write (set canned ACL 'public-read-write' to all txt files in mybucket, including in subfolders of mybucket)


Regular expression. This flag specifies that [BUCKET_NAME]/[FOLDER]/[FILE] is a regular expression.

cd mybucket (set working location to mybucket)

followed by


setacl ^(a.*)|(b.*)|(c.*) -s -cacl:public-read (set canned ACL 'public-read' to all files starting with a, b or c in mybucket, including files in subfolders of mybucket)


Set canned ACL. Amazon S3 supports a set of predefined ACLs, known as canned ACLs. Each canned ACL has a predefined set of grantees and permissions.


Valid Values for CANNED_ACL:


private (Owner gets FULL CONTROL. No one else has access rights, this is the default for an object)


public-read (Owner gets FULL CONTROL. The AllUsers group,  that is everyone, gets READ access)


public-read-write (Owner gets FULL CONTROL. The AllUsers group, that is everyone, gets READ and WRITE access)


authenticated-read (Owner gets FULL CONTROL. The AuthenticatedUsers group, that is all Amazon AWS accounts, gets READ access.)


bucket-owner-read (Object owner gets FULL CONTROL. Bucket owner gets READ access)


bucket-owner-full-control (Both the object owner and the bucket owner get FULL CONTROL over the object)


Note: You can specify only one of these canned ACLs in your request.

setacl mybucket/*.jpg -s -cacl:private (set canned ACL 'private' to all jpg files in mybucket, including in subfolders of mybucket)


Allows grantee to read the object data and its metadata. See how to specify one or more grantees below.

setacl mybucket/* -grant-read:","


Allows grantee to write the object data and its metadata. See how to specify one or more grantees below.

setacl mybucket/* -grant-write:","


Allows grantee the read, write, read_acp and write_acp permissions on the object, that is full control.

setacl mybucket/subfolder/* -grant-full-control:"uri="


Allows grantee to read the object ACL. See how to specify one or more grantees below.

setacl mybucket/subfolder/* -grant-read-acp:"uri="


Allows grantee to write the object ACL. See how to specify one or more grantees below.

setacl mybucket/subfolder/* -grant-write-acp:"uri="


Only preview how the ACL would be set, do not actually set the ACL for objects.

setacl mybucket/*.jpg -s -cacl:private -sim (simulate setting canned ACL 'private' to all jpg files in mybucket, including in subfolders of mybucket, without actually setting yet, i.e. preview only)


Filter condition. Only apply the permissions to objects matching the specified condition. More info on filter condition syntax and variables.

setacl mybucket -s -cacl:private -cond:"s3_sizeMB > 5"  (set canned ACL 'private' to all files in mybucket and subfolders that are larger than 5 Megabytes)

setacl mybucket -s -cacl:private -cond:"to_lower(s3_extension) = '.exe'"  (set canned ACL 'private' to all files in mybucket and subfolders that have extension .exe, case insensitive)


Only apply the permissions to objects matching the specified mask (Wildcards). Separate multiple masks with "|".

setacl mybucket -s -cacl:private -include:*.jpg|*.gif (set canned ACL 'private' to all files in mybucket and subfolders that have extension .jpg or .gif)


Do not apply the permissions to objects matching the specified mask (Wildcards). Separate multiple masks with "|".

setacl mybucket -s -cacl:private -exclude:*.jpg|*.gif|*.png (set canned ACL 'private' to all files in mybucket and subfolders, excluding files that have extension .jpg or .gif or *.png)


Only apply the permissions to objects matching the specified mask (Regular Expression).

setacl mybucket -s -cacl:private -rinclude:a(x|y|z)b (set canned ACL 'private' to all files in mybucket and subfolders whose name is matching axb, ayb and azb)


Do not apply the permissions to objects matching the specified mask (Regular Expression).

setacl mybucket -s -cacl:private -rexclude:a(x|y|z)b (set canned ACL 'private' to all files in mybucket and subfolders, excluding files whose name is matching axb, ayb and azb)


Apply the permissions only to server-side encrypted files.
Do not apply the permissions to server-side encrypted files.

setacl mybucket -s -cacl:private -inclenc (set canned ACL 'private' to all files in mybucket and subfolders that are server-side encrypted)


Apply the permissions only to reduced redundancy files.

Do not apply the permissions to reduced redundancy files.

setacl mybucket -s -cacl:private -inclrr (set canned ACL 'private' to all files in mybucket and subfolders that have storage class 'reduced redundancy')


Apply the permissions only to infrequent access files.

Do not apply the permissions to infrequent access files.

setacl mybucket -s -cacl:private -inclia (set canned ACL 'private' to all files in mybucket and subfolders that have storage class 'infrequent access')


Apply the permissions only to Glacier files.

Do not apply the permissions to Glacier files.

setacl mybucket -s -cacl:private -inclgl (set canned ACL 'private' to all files in mybucket and subfolders that have storage class 'Glacier')


Apply the permissions only to client-side (locally) encrypted files.

Do not apply the permissions to client-side (locally) encrypted files.

setacl mybucket -s -cacl:private -inclle (set canned ACL 'private' to all files in mybucket and subfolders that are client-side encrypted)


How to specify a GRANTEE:
You specify each grantee as a type=value pair, where the type can be one of the following:
emailAddress — if value specified is the email address of an AWS account
id — if value specified is the canonical user ID of an AWS account
uri — if granting permission to a predefined group.
Multiple grantee must be separated by a comma.
For example, the following -grant-read grants read object data and its metadata permission to the AWS accounts identified by their email addresses:

The following -grant-full-control grants full control to everyone:
Refer to the Amazon S3 documentation for a full list of uri supported.