setmeta (set object's metadata)

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setmeta [BUCKET_NAME]/[FOLDER]/OBJECT [-s] [-r] [-replace] [-meta:META] [-e:+/-] [-rr:+/-] [-ia:+/-] [-sim] [-cond:"FILTER"] [-include:INCL] [-exclude:EXCL] [-rinclude:INCL] [-rexclude:EXCL] [-inclenc] [-exclenc] [-inclrr] [-exclrr] [-inclia] [-exclia] [-inclgl] [-exclgl] [-inclle] [-exclle]

Set the S3 metadata headers associated with one or multiple objects.






Name / path of the object(s) to set metadata for. Wildcard characters are supported by default (* and ?) to match multiple objects. A regular expression can be used too, in that case use the flag -r on the command line, see below.

setmeta mybucket/file -meta:"cache-control:max-age=60" (set header cache-control:max-age=60  to mybucket/file)


setmeta mybucket/* -meta:"cache-control:max-age=60" (set header cache-control:max-age=60  to all files in mybucket)


Recursive, e.g. include all objects in all subfolders when processing multiple objects with wildcard characters or regular expression.

setmeta mybucket/* -s -meta:"cache-control:max-age=60" (set header cache-control:max-age=60  to all files in mybucket including in subfolders)


Regular expression. This flag specifies that [BUCKET_NAME]/[FOLDER]/[OBJECT] is a regular expression.

cd mybucket (set working location to mybucket)


followed by


setacl ^(a.*)|(b.*)|(c.*) -s -meta:"cache-control:max-age=60" (set header cache-control:max-age=60 to all files starting with a, b or c in mybucket, including files in all subfolders of mybucket)


Replace the existing metadata headers with the new metadata headers specified with the flag -meta. If -replace is not specified, the new metadata headers specified with the flag -meta will be added to the object(s).

setmeta mybucket/* -meta:"cache-control:max-age=60" -replace (set header cache-control:max-age=60  to all files in mybucket and remove all other metadata)


Metadata headers to be added. Multiple metadata headers should be separated by |.

setmeta mybucket/subfolder/file -meta:"cache-control:max-age=60|x-amz-meta-test:yes" (set header cache-control:max-age=60 and x-amz-meta-test:yes to mybucket/subfolder/file)


-e:+ sets the object S3 server side encryption header 'x-amz-server-side-encryption:AES256'.


-e:- removes the object S3 server side encryption header 'x-amz-server-side-encryption:AES256'.

setmeta mybucket/subfolder/file -e:+ (set header 'x-amz-server-side-encryption=AES256' to mybucket/subfolder/file, that will encrypt the file)


setmeta mybucket/subfolder/file -e:- (remove header 'x-amz-server-side-encryption=AES256' from mybucket/subfolder/file, that will decrypt the file)


-rr:+ sets the object S3 storage class to Reduced Redundancy: 'x-amz-storage-class:REDUCED_REDUNDANCY'.


-rr:- removes the object S3 storage class Reduced Redundancy: 'x-amz-storage-class:REDUCED_REDUNDANCY'.

setmeta mybucket/subfolder/file -rr:+ (set header 'x-amz-storage-class=REDUCED_REDUNDANCY' to mybucket/subfolder/file)


setmeta mybucket/subfolder/file -rr:- (remove header 'x-amz-storage-class=REDUCED_REDUNDANCY' from mybucket/subfolder/file)


-ia:+ sets the object S3 storage class to Infrequent Access: 'x-amz-storage-class:STANDARD_IA'.


-ia:- removes the object S3 storage class Infrequent Access: 'x-amz-storage-class:STANDARD_IA'.

setmeta mybucket/subfolder/file -ia:+ (set header 'x-amz-storage-class=STANDARD_IA' to mybucket/subfolder/file)


setmeta mybucket/subfolder/file -ia:- (remove header 'x-amz-storage-class=STANDARD_IA' from mybucket/subfolder/file)


Simulation. Only preview how the metadata would be set and do not actually set the metadata headers yet.

setmeta mybucket/* -meta:"cache-control:max-age=60" -sim (list which files would get the header cache-control:max-age=60 applied to)


Filter condition. Only apply the metatdata to objects matching the specified condition. More info on filter condition syntax and variables.

setmeta mybucket/* -meta:"cache-control:max-age=60" -cond:"size_mb > 5" (set cache-control:max-age=60 to all files in mybucket that are larger than 5 MB)


Only apply the metatdata to objects matching the specified mask (Wildcards). Separate multiple masks with "|".

setmeta mybucket/subfolder/file -meta:"x-amz-meta-test:yes" - include:"*.exe|*.rpt"


Do not apply the metatdata to objects matching the specified mask (Wildcards). Separate multiple masks with "|".

setmeta mybucket/subfolder/file -meta:"x-amz-meta-test:yes" - exclude:"*.exe|*.rpt"


Only apply the metatdata to objects matching the specified mask (Regular Expression).

setmeta mybucket/subfolder/file -meta:"x-amz-meta-test:yes" - rinclude:"IMGP[0-9]{4}.jpg"


Do not apply the metatdata to objects matching the specified mask (Regular Expression).

setmeta mybucket/subfolder/file -meta:"x-amz-meta-test:yes" - rexclude:"IMGP[0-9]{4}.jpg"


Apply the metatdata only to server-side encrypted files.
Do not apply the metatdata to server-side encrypted files.

setmeta mybucket/subfolder/file -meta:"x-amz-meta-test:yes" -inclenc


Apply the metatdata only to reduced redundancy files.

Do not apply the metatdata to reduced redundancy files.

setmeta mybucket/subfolder/file -meta:"x-amz-meta-test:yes" -inclrr


Apply the metatdata only to infrequent access files.

Do not apply the metatdata to infrequent access files.

setmeta mybucket/subfolder/file -meta:"x-amz-meta-test:yes" -inclia


Apply the metatdata only to Glacier files.

Do not apply the metatdata to Glacier files.

setmeta mybucket/subfolder/file -meta:"x-amz-meta-test:yes" -inclgl


Apply the metatdata only to client-side (locally) encrypted files.

Do not apply the metatdata to client-side (locally) encrypted files.

setmeta mybucket/subfolder/file -meta:"x-amz-meta-test:yes" -inclle