S3Express: Amazon S3 Command Line Utility

Amazon S3 command line utility for Windows. Copy, query, backup multiple files to S3 using the Windows command line.

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Why Use Amazon S3 for Cloud Storage?

Amazon Simple Storage Service, also known as Amazon S3 is an online storage facility. It is inexpensive, fast and easy to setup. It’s a service provided by e-commerce giant Amazon, so you can be rest-assured whatever you stored at S3 is secured. Even large file services like Dropbox use Amazon S3 as their back-end storage.


In Amazon S3, there’s no initial charges or setup cost. You only pay for what you utilize, how much data you store and how much data you move in and out from the Amazon servers. Plus, upon sign-up, new Amazon customers receive 5 GB of Amazon S3 standard storage, 20,000 Get Requests, 2,000 Put Requests, and 15GB of data transfer out each month for one year. More details on Amazon S3 pricing can be found here.


Amazon S3 is built to provide infrastructure that allows the customer to maintain full control over who has access to their data. Customers are also able to easily secure their data in transit and at rest.


Store data with up to 99.999999999% durability, with 99.99% availability. There are no single points of failure. All failures are tolerated or repaired by the system without any downtime.


Amazon S3 can scale in terms of storage, request rate, and users to support an unlimited number of web-scale applications. It uses scale as an advantage: adding nodes to the system increases, not decreases, its availability, speed, throughput, capacity, and robustness.


Amazon S3 is fast enough to support high-performance applications. Server-side latency is insignificant relative to Internet latency.


The S3Express command line utility provides a simple way for you to upload, query, backup files and folders to Amazon S3 storage, based upon flexible criteria. Quickly upload only new or changed files for backup purposes using multipart uploads and concurrent threads, create custom batch scripts, list Amazon S3 files or entire folders, filter files with conditions, query, change object metadata and ACLs and more.

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